Stay’n Out Office of Training & Development:

Since the opening of the first two in-prison Stay’n Out programs in 1977, one for men and one for women, New York Therapeutic Communities, Inc. has continually refined the model for effective treatment in correctional facilities. The Stay’n Out programs, which operated for thirty-one years until the New York State fiscal crisis of 2008, provided the proving ground for the model, which has been replicated across the country and internationally.
Since substance abuse and crime are closely linked, prison offers an ideal setting for providing treatment services to inmates whose lives have otherwise reached an impasse. Since 1977, the Stay’n Out model has enabled thousands of individuals to address those attitudes and behaviors which led them to prison in the first place, and to develop the life skills and self-confidence needed to eventually become responsible and tax-paying members of society. The Stay’n Out model has a proven 77% success rate based upon a five-year followup study conducted by National Development and Research Institutes, Inc. (Wexler, Lipton et al, 1992).

The Stay’n Out model uses a modified version of the therapeutic community (TC) model pioneered in the nineteen-sixties. Participants live on separate units from the general prison population, and participate in group settings, individual counseling and special topic workshops. Each person is responsible for his or her own recovery, but also participates in the life of the whole community, taking on job functions and challenging her or his peers to fulfill their own potential.
Participants move through three major phases as they grow in self-awareness and maturity. After completion, some will become assistants to program staff. Upon release from prison, graduates are strongly encouraged to participate in programs like Serendipity to further facilitate their return to family and society.
Training Services:
The Stay’n Out Office of Training & Development offers a number of training opportunities, including week-long immersion training (where students train in an actual therapeutic community), training for new staff at their program site, and follow-up evaluation of implementation of the training. NYTC, Inc. has been certified by the New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Services as an Education and Training Provider. Over the years, training has been provided to 32 states, including assisting the New York State Department of Correctional Services to implement their own substance abuse treatment programs in correctional facilities. In addition, training for in-prison programs has been provided in nine nations in collaboration with the US Department of State.
Consultative Services:
Training & Development also consults with government agencies and organizations on developing new programs, standards and policies. NYTC, Inc. has consulted with The White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, Treatment Communities of America (TCA), The American Correctional Association, the World Federation of Therapeutic Communities, the New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services, and the New York State Association of Substance Abuse Providers (ASAP).
NYTC, Inc. works on the federal and state level with TCA and New York State ASAP to advocate for criminal justice and prison re-entry reform, and to ensure recognition of and funding for substance abuse treatment.
Program Development:
NYTC, Inc. continually explores new program opportunities, including enhancing the continuum-of-care from prison back into the community, serving special populations (such as women, probationers, parolees and veterans, and those with both mental health and addiction issues), and providing substance abuse treatment and complementary human services.
© New York Therapeutic Communities, Inc.