New York Therapeutic Communities, Inc. (NYTC) is a not-for-profit organization with over three decades experience providing substance abuse treatment primarily to adults in the criminal justice system. We operate licensed community-based residential and outpatient programs utilizing a therapeutic community (TC) model. Our mission is to help program participants effect those changes in attitude and behavior that will enable them to make choices associated with a healthy, positive lifestyle free of crime and drugs.
A pioneer in the adaptation of TC chemical dependency treatment methods to the prison setting, Stay’n Out Training & Development has trained corrections personnel in thirty-eight states and nine other countries, and has launched or helped implement prison TCs in New York, Ohio, Delaware, South Carolina, Alabama, Connecticut, Hawaii and Texas, as well as in Malaysia, Thailand, and Columbia. The New York in-prison programs, also named Stay’n Out, set the standards for thirty-one years before being closed during the 2008 New York State fiscal crisis. Based upon the principles of personal responsibility, self-help, and mutual care, the Stay’n Out model for in-prison treatment has a proven 77% success rate for those who complete their program.
The Serendipity community-based residential programs enable those involved in the criminal justice system to prepare themselves to re-enter society. Serendipity also offers a cost-effective alternative-to-incarceration (ATI) for those persons for whom rehabilitation is the priority. The NYTC, Inc. Outpatient Programs offer non-residential substance abuse treatment to criminal justice clients and other persons in Brooklyn and Queens, as well as aftercare support to those who have completed the Serendipity programs.